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CMI-CLOW celebrates 18 years of existence


BUKIT PADANG – The Children’s Liturgy of the Word of Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI-CLOW) here celebrated its 18th anniversary with the church community on 13 Nov 2016.

Father Joshua Liew presided over the Mass offered in thanksgiving for the ministry’s 18 years of existence.

The children took part in the liturgy by singing in the choir, being flower boys and girls at the entrance procession while the bigger children took part in the presentation of the gifts.

After the Mass, the children and their parents adjourned to the canteen for a fellowship meal.

In his brief address, Fr Liew encouraged the facilitators to continue their ministry with much love.

The term ‘Children’s Liturgy of the Word’ refers to the practice of children leaving the Sunday assembly during the Liturgy of the Word and gathering elsewhere to celebrate a separate Liturgy of the Word that is more appropriate to their level of understanding.

In 1973, the Congregation for Divine Worship in Rome issued the document Directory for Masses with Children . This document offers principles and guidelines for adapting the liturgy for children to enable them to take a more conscious and active part in liturgical celebrations.

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