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Parishes under St Catherine set to formulate parish pastoral planning

BUNDU TUHAN – A total of 210 delegates representing the parishes of  St Catherine Inanam and Holy Family Telipok, and subparish of Good Shepherd Manggatal convened at the Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre for their Parish Pastoral Gathering on 4-7 July 2016. The aim of the gathering was to formulate a pastoral plan for their respective parishes.

Prior to the gathering, the parishes underwent an intensive preparation which began with a pilgrimage to the Holy Door at Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu on June 26. The final preparation saw a 24-hour Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, taken on an hourly turn by the delegates together with their respective communities, concluding with a Mass presided by Fr Paul Lo.

The pastoral planning process was guided by parish priest Fr David Sham, assisted by Fr Paul Lo and Fr Rayner Bisius, and Dominic Lim from Archdiocese Human Development Commission. The process revealed a need to understand their weaknesses and strengths, know their roles and responsibilities, as well as an openness and humility to respond to God’s call with an attitude like Mary.

The three-day assembly did not produce the results as hoped for by the delegates. The planning ran into some hitches which needed to be ironed out further. The delegates came away with a decision and determination to meet again on Aug 5-6 for further deliberation. – Michael Guntili

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