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Women deepen relationship with God through body, heart and soul

womenTANJUNG ARU – The women who turned up for the recent Marian seminar learnt to deepen their relationship with God through body, heart and soul.

Nita Ng was invited to speak at the Women Faith Formation organised by Stella Maris parish here on 24-25 June 2016 with the theme “Living the legacy of Mary, Mother of Mercy.”  While touted as an international speaker, Ng has served St Joachim Spiritual Centre, Diocese of Penang in the Spirituality Ministry since 2006.  Besides she has also served in retreat centres in India, Hongkong, England and Canada.  Her books among many include “My Little Meditations Book.”  She also prays through art and music.

Meeting Nita Ng for the first time over lunch brought this writer up short of her presumptuous view of one who moves in the international circuit.
It surprised her to find instead a lady whose eyes shine with peace and love that catches your heart with humility.

One hundred and thirty-eight participants, who were mostly women, came for the formation talk and discovered through Nita’s creativity and spiritual insight how one could deepen their relationship with God through body, heart and soul.

Nita’s one-day sharing in dances, meditation, silent prayers, sharing, imaginative discussion, and praying over, was inspiring and an eye opener.  No one expected to learn the Sign of the Cross through body language.  Who could have thought of praying by expressing one’s body, meditating through arts or a hip-hop music or savouring prayers as if one is enjoying a meal?

Mary Ooi at 85, from the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Penang, was invited to share her dedication to serving God for more than 50 years.  Age has not set any limit on her as she is still actively serving the poor, the elderly, and the young as well.  Though she has retired as a teacher, she has not stopped teaching and has no intention to do so in the teaching and passing on of her faith.  She professes to live by ‘trusting and leaving it to God’.

The second sharing was by Ophelia Domingo, who shared the ‘flower of her life,’ in which she spoke of her late mother, and how she and her sister journeyed through those special moments with their mother.  Her story touched many of those whose mothers have ‘migrated’ to heaven.

How participants have benefited

Chunielah Baidin shared that she felt so blessed and precious.  Each day she searches for peace and through this formation she has come to learn that peace comes by living life in ‘prayer.’

Rhena Rhen Jitumin, a student from St Theresa Kota Marudu, was glad that she attended the formation which has deepened her faith, especially to know more about Mother Mary.  It has also given her more meaning and focus in her journey of life.  In the Imaginative prayer session, Rhena shared that she heard the Lord telling her that she needs to be closer to Mother Mary and to ask Mother Mary to intercede for her,

Edna Vivian Thomas from Keningau went to the formation because her friends persuaded her, only to realise much later that through the process of the workshops, she has fallen in love with Jesus again!  She felt so loved and forgiven!

Alice Mary Yong was delighted that she decided to enrol for the formation with four of her friends who all felt a renewal in their spirit and a deepening of faith.

Alice Mary has gone through health challenges and felt that with the renewed strength gained from the formation, she was ready to serve God whenever He calls.

Faustina felt so blessed to be in the formation, as it has helped her to be more open to praying in different forms. She has learned to love Mother Mary more.

Lainie Lamau, who was the organising chair, took up the challenge of organising without a question and trusted God all the way.

Personally, this writer has enjoyed the discovery of new ways of praying and gaining more knowledge about Mother Mary.  But what struck her most was when Nita said “I have no bucket list.  If God takes me now, I am ready and very happy.  I have obeyed and carried out His words.”  This writer was thinking of Nita who, at  a young age of 37, has no wish list, and being so courageous to follow and serve God with total trust in Him and on His providence alone.  When she examined her so-called bucket list of wants and wishes, it towered over the heights of Mt Kinabalu!

Through the formation, participants, in one form or another, have experienced graces of healing, faith deepening, and praying with different forms. – Teresa Alberto

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