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Sabah Youth Cross reaches its final destination

syd cross in tawau

TAWAU – The journey of the Cross from one parish to another across the arch/dioceses in Sabah had finally reached its destination, the host parish, Holy Trinity Church (HTC), here on 8 May 2016.

The five-day stay-in 4th Sabah Youth Day would be held on June 6-10  and was expected to have a participation of some 2,300 youths. The theme of SYD4 was taken from the Beatitudes, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” (Matt 5:7)

SYD was just 29 days away. The feel of the event was running high among the young people and the local parishioners. The official handing over of the Sabah Youth Cross and the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary from St Benedict’s Chapel Fook Ngiap Estate, an outstation chapel was done during the morning Eucharistic celebration.

Both the youth leaders from St Benedict and Holy Trinity exchanged formal addresses during the handing over ceremony, witnessed by more than a thousand parishioners. The Cross and icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary were carried in procession from the chapel to the main Church.

Following the procession were 32 banner bearers and elders accompanied by a medley of traditional dances from the four main communities and the Children Liturgy of Holy Trinity Church. It symbolised honour and praise to God for salvation through the living Cross of Christ.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Msgr Nicholas Ong and concelebrated by assistant rector, Fr Philip Muji.

In his sharing on the meaning of the Cross, Msgr Ong said, “the Cross for me symbolises victory and love. It’s my salvation, my strength and my all. God’s mercy and love are inscribed permanently and meaningfully on the Cross and I believe that all the blessings and graces I received are from the generosity of Christ’s mercy who suffered, died, raised up and poured his Holy Spirit unto me.”

Towards the end of the Eucharistic celebration, both representatives of St Benedict and Holy Trinity shared on the upcoming Sabah Youth Day.

Jimmy Kornadus, from St Benedict’s Chapel, Fook Ngiap Estate shared his experience when the Cross was stationed at their chapel, “The Cross has the power to unite His people. We came and spent time together before the Cross. We drew strength and peace from Him.”

Jackson Ansim, the Chairman of the HTC Parish Youth Apostolate took the opportunity to thank everyone especially the youth on their unceasing support towards the preparation of SYD-4. He also thanked the priests, elders and parishioners for their generous prayer and involvement.

Andrew Kiat, HTC PPC Chairman, commended the young people and the congregation at large for the support and commitment in preparing for the upcoming SYD event. He said, “We are confident that we can journey together, placing our trust in the Lord in ensuring that the event will take off as planned. Serve with joy and I humbly urge one and all to prepare spiritually for this event.”

After Holy Mass, the priests, religious, representatives of St Benedict’s Chapel, Fook Ngiap Estate and representatives of the Parish Youth Apostolate adjourned to the parish hall for a fellowship.

The Cross and icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary were placed inside the Church for the whole duration before and during the event proper. Groups were assigned to spend time before the Cross, and individuals were encouraged to participate. Julita Kantod, SOCCOM Tawau

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