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Lahad Datu youth prepare themselves for SYD 4

ldu preparation

LAHAD DATU – Some 114 youth were involved in a two-day spiritual preparation which they call, SYD phase 1, on 23-24 Apr 2016, held in Borneo Paradise, an hour’s drive away from the town centre here. St Dominic parish youth apostolate organised the get-away.  The participants were youths from the parish and outstation churches of Felda, Kunak and Madai.

They were invited to read and reflect on the lives of Saints who imitated Jesus and gave their lives to Him in faith, as well as the seven sacraments of the Church which are closely related to the spiritual and physical aspects of life.

Franciscan Sister Evelyn Tivit  gave inputs on family life, particularly relationship between the participants and their families. She said that family is like a ‘mini church,’  essential place for nurturing Christian values. The success of evangelisation is determined by how far an individual is educated and formed in the family.

Lastly, the participants were also briefed on the rules and regulations regarding SYD-4. Mazdollyna, SOCCOM

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