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New Mission Tadika opens at St Catherine

Mission Tadika Sinar Sukacita opened its doors to children on Jan 11, this year following approval by the Education Department of the application for registration of the kindergarten. Currently, Tadika Sinar Sukacita has 52 children between the ages of 4 to 6 enrolled in the kindergarten.

Tadika Sinar Sukacita St Catherine is one of thirteen new mission kindergartens that were established over the past year in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu. Five of these new mission kindergartens are in the Inanam Parish. This remarkable emergence of so many mission kindergartens in a short time is largely due the commitment and unstinting efforts from the members of the Archdiocese Early Childhood Committee in support of the Vision and Mission promulgated by Archbishop John Wong. The committee was entrusted with the objective to inculcate our Catholic faith to the young children of pre-school age and to build a strong foundation of love for Jesus and the Church. – AECEC, Ephraim Koujou

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