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KK clergy enter into the “mercy of the Father”


clergy enter holy door_edited

KOTA KINABALU – The clergy of Kota Kinabalu entered into the “mercy of the Father” through the Holy Door recently.

The procession and kneeling before the designated Holy Door of Sacred Heart Cathedral preceding the entrance and passing through the Holy Door crowned the morning’s reflection for 33 priests and three seminarians of the archdiocese on 17 Mar 2016.

Led by Archbishop John Wong, the diocesan priests, joined by the seminarians, gathered for their yearly time of reflection  before the celebration of the Chrism Mass in the evening at the Sacred Heart Cathedral.

The focus for this year’s reflection was on the Vatican II document  ‘Presbyterorum Ordinis’ (Order of Priests) – a Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests.  Their reflection touched on The Priesthood in the Ministry of the Church, and The Ministry of Priests – Priests’ Functions.  Three major functions of priests are described:

– To announce the Gospel of God through preaching, by their example and behaviour, teaching and by inviting all to conversion (as prophet proclaiming the Word of God).

– With the Eucharist central to their ministry they are to teach people how to fully participate in the Liturgy (as priest sanctifying the people of God).

– To build up the Church by encouraging people to seek increasing Christian maturity and by promoting communities that are charitable, missionary, prayerful and faithful (as king governing with charity and service).

Two senior priests, Msgr Primus Jouil and Fr David Sham gave a personal sharing of their priestly life and vocation.  The sharing session was animated by Fr Nicholas Stephen.

Archbishop Emeritus John Lee, however, only took part in the priestly pilgrimage to the Holy Door.

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