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“Mercy” is the theme set for Tawau BEC visits

house visit

TAWAU – The theme of “mercy” was the theme chosen for the visits at a recent meeting held to evaluate and discern the current status of BECs in Holy Trinity Parish here.  Present at the meeting on 19 Jan 2016 were parish priest Msgr Nicholas Ong, Sr Liza Jamat fsic, PPC chairman Andrew Kiat, BEC Core Group chairman Gilbert Jack and a few other BEC coordinators.

The concept of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) was introduced eight years ago in the parish to share and spread the Good News in the neighbourhood as well to other communities in the parish.

In his words of welcome, Msgr Ong said: “I have faith in the BEC.  It’s a way to bring Christ to others through the teaching of the Church.  I believe in the concept: it’s a new way of being Church.  We can put our efforts together in this wonderful approach in building up small communities.”

The BEC Core Group is made up of the parish priest, religious sisters and BEC coordinators and leaders.  They assist the BECs to develop, grow and sustain with scheduled visits, journeying and lending support to the communities.  They also assist the neighbouring communities to start BECs if they so desire.

Since 2009, Msgr Ong has made 264 visits to the various BECs in 25 main areas.  In earlier visits, all gatherings focused on the Word of God for the coming Sunday.  Later it was changed to the themes based on the Youth Catechism (Youcat) in order for members to be familiar with the teachings of the Church.

An outcome of the BECs is that people are more involved in church activities, not as individuals but as families.

The objectives of the Core Group are 1) to monitor the progress and activities carried out by each BEC area; 2) to hold faith formation sessions for members; 3) to motivate BECs to get involved in activities or programmes organised by the parish or any parish ministry; and 4) to cooperate with the parish priest, the parish pastoral council and the advisory team in fulfilling the parish pastoral goals. – Julita Kantod

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