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Pauline Family brings Christmas joy to families

A section of the carollers singing in the home of one of the families visited.
A section of the carollers  in the home of one of the families visited.

KOTA KINABALU – The Pauline Family – Daughters of St Paul, Association of Pauline Cooperators, and friends – brought Christmas joy to around forty families living around Kota Kinabalu and Penampang through its Advent Family Visits on 2-23 Dec 2015.  This year’s activity was in line with the congregational response to Pope Francis’ plea: “We are already doing a lot, but perhaps we are called to do more … Let us open our eyes to the miseries of the world, to the wounds of countless brothers and sisters.  Let us listen to their cries for help and allow them to goad us into action.”

On the worldwide level, the General Government of the Daughters of St Paul has decided to give Caritas or another charitable organisation the Institute’s house in Torre Mondovi (Piedmont, Italy) to use for accommodating refugees.  The building consists of three floors and has about 20 rooms.

On the local level, the Sisters have decided to donate the proceeds of this year’s Advent Family Visits to this cause, in the context of the Jubilee Year of Mercy as well as that of their centenary of foundation (1915-2015), mindful of the pope’s exhortation: “Faced with the tragedy of tens of thousands of people who are fleeing the death provoked by war and hunger and who are ‘on the move’ toward the hope of new life, the Gospel is calling all of us to be a neighbour to the most needy and  most abandoned of his children.  It is calling us to give them concrete hope.”


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