KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…
Cathedral parish holds carols by candlelight

KOTA KINABALU – Sacred Heart Cathedral here held its annual carols by candlelight on 20 Dec 2015 at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre foyer. This year’s event was hosted by the Bethel English Prayer Community with the theme: The Glory of Christmas. It featured a number of carols sung in English, Chinese, Bahasa Melayu and Kadazan interspersed with the narrative of the Christmas story.
Archbishop John Wong opened the event with a prayer after the reading of the day’s gospel by Deacon Joshua Liew. It attracted quite a number of parishioners who joined in the singing of the carols. It was also graced by the presence of Abp Emeritus John Lee and the assistant priests of the cathedral. The grace of that night was the fine weather as it had been quite rainy the past few nights.
It ended with a short closing prayer and blessing from the prelate.