HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Diocese welcomes two newly ordained priests

KENINGAU – With joy and gratitude to God, Bishop Cornelius Piong ordained to the presbyterate of the Diocese of Keningau two new priests. The sacerdotal ordination of Deacon Harry Dorisoh took place in his home parish of St Francis Xavier Cathedral Oct 10, followed by the ordination of Deacon Hilanus Simon at his home parish of St Valentine Beaufort seven days later on Oct 17. This brings the total number of priests in the diocese to 22.
To both of them, the prelate said, “God has chosen you to become labourers of His vineyard and shepherds of His flock from among many, therefore we give praise to God for His Grace that you have answered His calling for the harvest is plentiful yet labourers few. Know that your calling will remain only a calling if it goes unanswered. Answering the calling is the responsibility of each. Therefore, with this awareness, let us decide whether we will take up the full responsibility, or become the cause of obstruction to others, in answering God’s calling.”
A thousand over parishioners turned up to witness the two events, including the clergy and faithful from Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan. Also present were their formator Fr Eric Jerome from St Peter’s College Kuching, and classmates, Fr John Pereira from Johor (ordained priest Oct 1 at St Peter Melaka), Deacon Stanley William from Sandakan, and Deacon Joshua Liew from Kota Kinabalu. Together with the families and well-wishers of both, the crowd jam-packed the churches.
Fr Harry Dorisoh, 30, who hails from Kg Tagai Apin-Apin, is the sixth child in a brood of seven born to Dorisoh Antoni and Morniah binti Ingging. Beginning as aspirant in the Catholic Diocesan Centre formation house in Kota Kinabalu in 2007, the following year at the Initiation Year in Karamunsing, and further on for philosophy and theology at St Peter’s College Kuching, he completed his eight-year priestly formation. After his studies, he was assigned to St Peter Bundu Kuala Penyu for his pastoral work.
Fr Hilanus Simon, 34, hails from Kampung Batu 66 Lama, Beaufort. He is the second child of eight children born to Simon Beda Koban and Paulina Siput.
Citing that his father, whom he confessed that he ‘idolizes’, fostered his religious vocation by word and example … the first herald of his faith, and as educator in the bosom of the family. His father has been a catechist since he was three years old.
Fr Hilanus is the second son of Beaufort to be ordained a priest, the first being Msgr Gilbert Engan twenty-five years ago.
In both his addresses after the Ordination Mass, Bishop Piong said that he was grateful for young people who have accepted God’s call to serve in His vineyard. He hoped that the newly ordained would continue to unite themselves with Jesus and to serve His Church daily according to God’s will. This would be in line with the diocesan mission and vision to form and develop committed people for evangelization.
“To Harry and Hilanus, our hope is that your commitment to Jesus as His servants is total that He will be your priority in whatever condition you find yourselves in,” said the Bishop.
In response, Fr Harry expressed his gratitude to God for His guidance during his seminarian years, “There were many a time when I was weak along the journey, but the Holy Spirit did not abandon me, and has accompanied me to this day when I am finally ordained a priest.”
Fr Hilanus responded by sharing that he too was weak but had the audacity to bring his complaints before the Lord whom he assured would listen. Given this confidence by the Spirit of God, he is ready to pledge firm and loyal service to God and to his bishop.
Both the newly ordained priests acknowledged gratitude for the support from the presbyterium, family members, and the prayers of the parishioners.
The prelate also acknowledged with gratitude to all parishioners, the families of the neo-ordained, the formators and the presbyterium who have prayed for young people to come forward and serve the Church.
He announced that Fr Harry would continue to serve at St Peter Bundu Kuala Penyu where he has been assigned since he was ordained as deacon, while Fr Hilanus would serve at Holy Spirit Sook.
Following Mass, receptions were held in honor of the new priests in the parish halls, interspersed with dance and song performances from various groups. – CS / Francis Andin /Simon Tay
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