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Bishop Gitom: The call is to be bearers of joy, mercy and beauty

pastoral thrust of diocese

TELUPID – In his homily during the 8th Diocesan Anniversary Mass Oct 14, Bishop Julius Gitom  gave thanks and praise to God Almighty for the anniversary celebration and called on the faithful to be the bearers of joy, mercy and beauty.

He called on the faithful to go forward with confidence, stay united in faith, go forth and grow according to God’s will.

He noted that the four parishes in the diocese were well represented. He reminded them to be communities of faith filled with joy in their mission  to share that joy of the Gospel with others.

“We are not merely to be concerned with structures and procedures but to move out to reach the peripheries. Otherwise we may end up like the hypocrites, looking great from the outside but empty within,” exhorted the prelate.

“Our church must be a place of mercy, where everyone may feel welcome, loved and forgiven. It must be a place of beauty, beauty of the Good News. If these characteristics are absent, people will not be attracted to the Church.  Through the BECs, the pastoral thrust of the diocese is a call for all to be bearer of joy, mercy and beauty so that people may be attracted to our faith,” Bishop Gitom concluded. – DS

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