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226 join LifeTeen Youth Camp in Kg Lokub

LTYC15 campers taking a wefieKIULU – Two hundred and twenty-six participants joined the Life Teen Youth Camp 2015 at Church of St Michael the Archangel, Kg Lokub, on 4-7 June 2015. With the theme ‘Inspired to inspire’, the camp aimed at inspiring teens through the lives of the people of Kg Lokub, and to give teens the opportunity to be witnesses of Christ. This goal was reflected in the scripture verse selected for the camp, “Let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

The camp started with an opening Mass by Fr Mitchelly Kiun at Sacred Heart Cathedral, before participants left for Kg Lokub. He encouraged the participants to be open to God’s work throughout the camp.

The program included group-based activities as a  creative way of helping the teens to reflect on how to be witnesses of Christ. Apart from this, teens were involved with the daily normal activities of the Kg Lokub community: cooking, doing household chores, gotong-royong KKD, and doing field work with their foster families. For recreation, there was ‘Bola Berapi’ game and a friendly football match between the Life Teen girls and boys team with the locals.

To reflect on the daytime activities, there were talk sessions in the evenings, led by the Life Teen team. The team was also grateful to have the Friday Prayer Meeting Team of SHC, led by George Thien, to handle a healing session for the teens on the last night of camp. On day four of camp, there was a session of praying over and testimonies from participants.

One of the camp participants, Audrey Gracia, shared the following: “Life Teen Youth Camp has inspired me to become a better teen, to inspire other teens to be closer to God. I realized that life isn’t about trying to look good in the eyes of others, but it is to do good in the eyes of God because when you are focused on that, others will see how God works in you.” Just like her testimony, it is hoped that teens continue to grow closer to God, and not be afraid to be witnesses of Christ, as this was at the heart of being ‘Inspired to inspire’.

To continue this journey, Life Teen invites all teens aged 13-18 years old to join their weekly Life Night gatherings on Saturdays, room F6, 8pm – 10pm, Sacred Heart Parish Centre. Teens may also check out Life Teen Facebook (Life Teen Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu), Twitter (LTSHCKK) or Instagram (lifeteenshckk) for updates.

Life Teen Youth Ministry of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu is grateful to God for His loving presence in this camp. Life Teen is also thankful for the locals’ hospitality and kindness in welcoming the campers and Life Teen team into their lives, as well as everyone who have supported the ministry in organizing the camp through their prayers and donations. May God bless you all abundantly. – Melissa Audrey Francis, Camp Coordinator  Life Teen Youth Camp 2015


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