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Brunei Darussalam Vicariate celebrates three-in-one

DSC_0710sBANDAR SERI BEGAWAN – Great rejoicing resounded at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Assumption in Bandar Seri Begawan for the Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam on Jan 21 as it marks the 10th anniversary of its elevation to an Apostolic Vicariate, while at the same time the Church community also celebrates the 10th Episcopal Anniversary as well as the Silver Jubilee of Bishop Cornelius Sim to the priesthood.

Present at the Mass and celebration were Cardinal Tagle (Manila), Archbishop Joseph Marino (Apostolic Delegate), six bishops/archbishop from the Philippines, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Keningau and Singapore. Besides the three priests from Brunei, there were 27 guest priests from Philippines, Miri, Sibu, and Kuching dioceses. – Fr Robert Leong

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