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JWG Bible Class gives simple but sweet farewell to outgoing rector

TANJUNG ARU – On 21 Sep 2014, JWG Bible Class gave a simple but sweet and swift ‘farewell’ to Fr Fundes whom the students knew and loved since they were 4 years old!  They gave Fr Fundes a t-shirt on which is printed the acronym of his name FUNDES describing him as Friendly, Understanding, Noble, Determined, Extraordinary and Swag! (slang word for awesome, fun, cool) A perfect description from the young ones!

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Over 60 church staff gather for a day of recollection

IMG_3746KOTA KINABALU – Over 60 church staff from nine parishes of the KK Archdiocese gathered for a day long recollection at the Sacred Heart Cathedral on 12 Sep 2014.

The recollection was guided by Fr John Prior from Flores, Indonesia.

Using Jeremiah 18:1-6 and a video clip entitled ‘The Art of the Potter’, he guided the participants to reflect life as clay in God’s hands.

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Sabah churches move into new season

IMG_3914KOTA KINABALU – Sabah churches celebrated Malaysia Day this year by issuing an unprecedented declaration’ titled as the Kota Kinabalu Declaration claiming the promises of God for the nation as they move into a new season.

The 30-point declaration is the most significant Christian statement after the Kuching Declaration made by church leaders in 1989 over the Alkitab and Allah issue.

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SVD priest facilitates annual clergy retreat

BUNDU TUHAN – Father John Prior of the Divine Word Society facilitated the annual clergy retreat at the Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre here on 15-18 Sept 2014.

Anything can distract a person from God; both in the physical and spiritual realm.  Priestly life, though dedicated to serving and loving God, can also be affected.  Priests are also distracted from the very source of their vocation because of their busy schedule, with many things to be done and many people to be served. This is the very reason that priests are in need of their annual retreat to listen to God’s Word and to support and encourage each other in their common vocation.

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60 take part in Cycle for Christ 5

TUARAN (CS) – Sixty cycling enthusiasts from St John Parish Tuaran and parishes around gathered for CYC 5 on 5 Sep 2014.

CYC 5 is the fifth edition of Cycle for Christ, a brainchild of Fr Nicholas Stephen, who is himself an avid cyclist.

The objective of ‘Cycling for Christ’ is manifold.  It is a means to build faith, to improve and maintain good health, to do charity work, to care for the environment, as well as to evangelize.

The main target is to reach those most distant and rarely visited rural chapels to share fraternal love and to instill oneness.  At the same time, it offers an excellent channel to build communion with other Christians as these cylists do not only come from the Catholic parishes.

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St Catherine Inanam bids farewell to Fr Michael Modoit and welcomes Fr Rayner Bisius

FR Michael with MPPINANAM – St Catherine Church Inanam’s hall was fully packed with parishioners who came to bid farewell to their outgoing priest, Fr Michael Modoit, and to welcome the incoming priest, Fr Rayner Bisius at the farewell fellowship Sep 28.

Fr Michael Modoit has been assistant priest for St Catherine Inanam for the past 12 years, sharing the pastoral load with rector Fr David Sham. Effective Oct 1, he would be taking up his new post at St Pius Bundu Tuhan as rector.

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Archdiocese establishes two new parishes

IMG_4596aKOTA KINABALU  – In conjunction with the major reshuffling of priests, Archbishop John Wong announced that two new parishes will be established effective October 1st, 2014. They are Holy Trinity, Madsiang-Inobong which is carved out from St Michael Penampang and St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Kiulu, which used to be part of St John Tuaran. The reason behind such move is for effective and efficient pastoral administration since both Tuaran and Penampang have big territories and faithfuls.

20140920_120810 (1)Holy Trinity Madsiang-Inobong will comprise of Catholic communities in Zon Inobong, Zon Pogunon, Zon Kipouvo, Zon Babagon, and Zon Moyog whilst St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Kiulu will cover Zon Kiulu, Zon Lokub and Zon Pukak. Fr Alex Sipanul is appointed as the first parish priest of Madsiang-Inobong to be assisted by Fr Jimsy Julius, and Fr Bruno Yasun the first parish priest of Kiulu with Fr Daniel Jomilong as his assistant.

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