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MYTC holds 9th Open House Carnival

Datuk Margaret Fung, Organizing Chairperson of the carnival cut the ribbon symbolising the official openig the the eventKINARUT – Montfort Youth Training Centre (MYTC) had just concluded their 9th Open House Carnival which was held at their campus grounds in Kinarut 12 Oct 2014.

It saw participation from all walks of life, from the young and elderly, coming from the nearby vicinities and from as far as Sandakan.  Despite massive floods and bad weather which hit many places within the same week, the generous and compassionate spirit of all who came to help make the event a success was truly inspiring!

Brimming with joy and gratitude, Director of MYTC Bro Francis Chua enthused, “I wish to record my appreciation to all who made it to our carnival.  Words alone cannot thank you enough for the effort you put in to make the event lively.  This goes to all the 70 stall operators including the outstation volunteers who contributed their services and time to set up stalls.

My gratitude also to those who donated in kinds, such as bags of rice, soft drinks, religious items,  secondhand items (for jumble sale), fish, fruits, vegetables, canned foods and many other edible and non-edible stuff.

With all these, we were able to achieve our target of RM260,000.00, which would go to the sustenance of the trainees’ skills training, residential care and character formation programme.

I am also grateful to the chairperson, Datuk Margaret Fung for the effort she put in to ensure its success”.

Parishes in and around Kota Kinabalu, Penampang, Papar and other areas had also contributed in helping Montfort with the sale of coupons in their respective communities.

The event was made lively by local vibrant entertainers in the persons of Chris Gomez, dubbed as Elvis Presley of Sabah, David Linus and The Band, The Shadow Gee, Jonathan Tse, Ricky Lee and the CFC group.  Gerard Obon as Emcee for the day worked deftly in smoothing out the programs.   Trainees of the Centre provided a crowd puller with their lion dance performances.

Bro Francis attributed the significant success of this year’s carnival to the general public, volunteers, donors, staff and trainees who have contributed in one way or another. – Lorena Binisol

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