HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
CBC-MSB assembles for 94th plenary session
JOHOR BAHRU – The 94th Plenary Session of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (CBCMSB) took place on 7-11 July 2014 at Majodi Centre, Plentong.
All the 11 Arch/bishops in the region were present. Also present were Archbishop-elect Julian Leow of Kuala Lumpur, Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam (Kuala Lumpur) and Bishop Emeritus James Chan (Melaka-Johor).
Vatican’s envoy to Malaysia Archbishop Joseph Marino opened the biannual meeting of the CBC, calling for missionary conversion.
Archbishop Marino in his address to the Arch/bishops said the Pope has urged each particular Church, as a portion of the Catholic Church under the leadership of its bishop, is called to missionary conversion.
He addressed the opening session of the meeting saying it was important that in a country where people professing different faiths live together in harmony.
The Nuncio said he was happy to be with the Arch/bishops from the region and urged them to carry out their tasks well.
The Arch/bishops also joined the Nuncio as the main celebrant at a Mass the following day. This was followed by the election of new office-bearers and heads of commissions for the term 2015-2016.
The Conference of Bishops’ then proceeded to the agenda over several sessions that included matters to do with inter-faith, seminary and vocations, justice and peace, liturgy, catechetics, social communications and healthcare and Islamization.
Meanwhile the CBC has approved the proposal for the Malaysian Catholic Campus Student Day (MCCSD) which is from July 14-20, 2015 at the Archdiocesan Curia & Cathedral Pastoral Centre (ACCPC), Kuching.
The Conference at this meeting has carved out a new Commission from the Commission for the Lay Apostolate. This Commission is for Youth/Campus Ministry under the leadership of Archbishop-Elect Julian Leow from 2015-2016.
On the Pontifical Mission Society (PMS), the Conference at its meeting has renamed the Commission for Mission to the Commission for the New Evangelization. – Vincent D’Silva
New office bearers for term 2015-2016
President : Archbishop John Ha (Kuching)
Vice-President : Bishop Sebastian Francis (Penang)
Hon. Secretary : Bishop Cornelius Sim (Brunei)
Hon. Treasurer : Bishop Paul Tan (Melaka-Johor)
Members : Archbishop-Elect Julian Leow (Kuala Lumpur)
Archbishop John Wong (Kota Kinabalu)
Archbishop William Goh (Singapore)
Bishop Cornelius Piong (Keningau)
Bishop Julius Gitom (Sandakan)
Bishop Joseph Hii (Sibu)
Bishop Richard Ng (Miri)
The following were then elected to head the Regional Episcopal Commissions:
Biblical Commission : Archbishop John Ha
Catholic Charismatic Renewal : Bishop Joseph Hii
Consecrated life : Archbishop William Goh
Diocesan Priests and Seminaries : Bishop Richard Ng
Ecumenism & Inter-Faith Affairs : Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam
Family Life : Archbishop John Wong
Lay Apostolate : Bishop Julius Gitom
Youth/Campus Ministry : Archbishop-elect Julian Leow
Liturgy : Bishop Sebastian Francis
New Evangelization : Archbishop John Wong
Pastoral Health care : Bishop Cornelius Sim
Pastoral care of Migrants and
Itinerants : Bishop Paul Tan
Justice and Peace : Bishop Joseph Hii
Social Communications : Bishop Cornelius Sim
Malaysian Catechetical : Bishop Cornelius Piong
Malaysian Catholic Education
Council : Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam
Apostleship of the Sea : Archbishop William Goh
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