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Lenten season – an opportunity or a burden?

Lenten season 1opTAWAU – Reflecting on the meaning of Lent, some might say it is a season of fasting  and abstinence, some might accept it as an ordinary moment whereas to others, it is the time to discern and struggle to be a better individual.

Continuous formation in feeding on spiritual food seems to be the perfect way to understand deeper the meaning of Lent. Acknowledging this need, another recollection was held mainly for members of the Parish Liturgical Committee, facilitators of the Children Liturgy of the Word and all lectors and commentators Mar 15. Some 40 participants attended the session.

The event began with Mass in the chapel, presided over by Fr David Garaman. In his homily, he said, “Lent is a time for us to be more aware of our spiritual needs and deny the demand of earthly desire. It is a time of repentance. Continue to be perfect children of God. Such intention and action requires self discipline and perseverance. However, once we have overcome it, then we will know that Lent indeed is an opportunity for each one of us to be closer and to be reconciled with our Lord.”  He continued to say that the Lenten season is always an opportunity and never a burden.

It is an opportune and wonderful moment given by the church for us to value the gift of the sacrament of reconciliation in our faith journey. It is an opportunity to know better and participate in the history of salvation.  In winding up the session, Fr David stressed on the following regarding Lent:

Ö Lent is a time for repentance and fasting that will help us to recall and reflect on the suffering of Jesus our Saviour so that all can participate in His resurrection.

Ö A time of prayer and meditation by spending time with the Lord through His word of life – the Sacred Scripture

Ö A time to deny ourselves from earthly desire and endeavor more to fulfil our spiritual thirst.

Lent is therefore an opportunity for us to ensure that our lives are right with God through repentance of self and forgiveness of others. This will open the door for us to turn to God and to see things in a different light, in His perspective, for God is always forgiving and abounding in love. Our heart will also be open to change to be a better person for we are precious in the eyes of God. – Julita SOCCOM

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