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Priestly ordinations bring a ray of hope

IMG_7935opKOTA KINABALU – It was a week of great joy and thanksgiving for the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu as two young men were ordained into the priesthood.

IMG_7440opThe Sacerdotal ordination of Fr Rhobby Aaron Mojolou took place in his home parish of St Michael’s Feb 24, 2014, followed by the ordination of Fr Mitchelly Kiun two days later at his home parish of Sacred Heart Cathedral. This brings the number of priests in the archdiocese to 37. It also marks the first sacerdotal ordination presided by Archbishop John Wong as the ordinary of the archdiocese.

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Pope Francis writes a letter to families

Pope Francis 2014“Dear families,

With this letter, I wish, as it were, to come into your homes to speak about an event which will take place at the Vatican this coming October. It is the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which is being convened to discuss the theme of “pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelization”.  Indeed, in our day the Church is called to proclaim the Gospel by confronting the new and urgent pastoral needs facing the family.

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Thought for March: Lent, the shedding of the selfish me, for the greater Agape of He

16427361-christ-carrying-the-cross--antique-relief-italyCome Mar 5, we shall enter into Lent with the traditional distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Lent is a penitential time; a solemn season in which we participate in the salvific actions of our Lord through Liturgical celebrations (Mass), and personal sacrifices in abstinence, fasting, prayer, confession and spiritual and corporal works of mercy. In a sense, through the Wisdom and guidance of the Church, we are called to die with Christ in order that we may (more fully) participate in His Resurrection, and His fullness of Life, on Easter Sunday. In effect, we are given an abundance of grace to live out our baptismal calling in a most efficacious manner.

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Sandakan hosts 43rd RBC Meeting

SANDAKAN – 10 members of the Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Regional Biblical Commission convened at the Sandakan Diocesan Pastoral Centre for their 43rd annual meeting.

The 3-day event was held Feb 11-13, 2014. Archbishop John Ha of Kuching Archdiocese, who is the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, and who is also the President of the Regional Biblical Commission, presided over the meeting.

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You COULD BE attracted to this … Take a brief look at the journey of faith in the Seminary as shared by Dafrinn Diwo

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Shan Tao Kindergarten celebrates Chap Goh Mei

KOTA KINABALU – Chap Goh Mei has been a yearly traditional celebration to conclude the Lunar New Year for the children and parents with their teachers of Shan Tao Kindergarten.

It is a time that is usually looked forward to with great excitement and anticipation by both the children and teachers.  Challenged to display their knowledge and skills, the children worked hard to put together their performances, songs and artwork, ably guided by their teachers.

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EYC 2014 has opened my eyes

I came to know about the EYC three years ago when I attended the Emmaus Teens Camp in 2011.  I know it’s not by chance that I participated in EYC 2014.  Somehow I believed that I was led to it.

Among the many things that happened at EYC, one that comes vividly to mind was the “exposure” visit to the Kayumadang dumpsite at Telipok.   I saw heaps of stinky rubbish that we threw away and lots of them were plastic bags.

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