HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Joy over 3 newly professed Sisters
PAPAR (CS) – Jan 25, the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul, saw the First Profession of 3 novices of the FSIC, Sr Clarice George Guang (Telupid), Sr Jossekah Disius (Penampang) and Sr Anita Philip (Tambunan).
In his homily, Msgr Primus Jouil, who is the main celebrant for the Eucharistic Celebration, reminded the 3 novices that their ‘Call’ was to be like Paul’s, to “Get up and go…” (Acts 22:10).
He added that ‘to go and evangelize’ would not be an easy task, especially to live simply in a world full of anxieties. The greatest challenge is to respond to God’s call to love. Like St Paul, he OBEYED… Thus, he exhorted the three novices, soon to be professed, to constantly discern and reflect their religious calling, never forgetting the Call of God is to be OBEDIENT.
Sr Grace Deosing, Mother General, in her speech reminded the novices that God Himself would certainly give strength and courage to those whom He calls.
To the excitement of the family members, friends and especially the three newly Professed Sisters, Sr Grace officially announced the postings of the three newly Professed Sisters:
1) Sr Clarice George Guang would be posted to St Pius X Parish, Bundu Tuhan
2) Sr Jossekah Disius would go to St John the Baptist Parish, Sipitang
3) Sr Anita Philip would take up her post at Holy Trinity Parish, Tawau
Sr Clarice, comes from St Martin, Telupid, and is from a brood of 9, herself being the 8th.
She accorded gratefulness for her Novice Directress, Sr Calista Saliun, for giving her the space to be her true self and reminding her to live out the life that she has chosen.
Sr Jossekah hails from St Michael’s Church, Penampang, and is the eldest of her 7 siblings. She thanked God for this new life as she begins a new chapter in her life.
Sr Anita, the 5th from a brood of 11, hails from St Theresa’s Parish, Tambunan. In facing the challenges and realities of life, and its painful and unfolding truths, she acknowledged that God was there to give her a little push to move on. He is the one who makes it possible for her.
All three novices did their Postulancy 2010- 2011 and Novitiate 2012-2013.
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